博客來精選推薦At the White Coast
At the White Coast
At the White Coast 評價
像這本 At the White Coast
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At the White Coast
How to Window Box- Small-space Plants to Grow Indoors or Out ![]() |
Tiergarten, Landscape of Transgression- This Obscure Object of Desire 台中水晶專賣店 ![]() |
Making landfall among the inhabitants of a gritty metropolis, these poems transport the reader from the white coast of New Zealand, the Land of the Long White Cloud, to the shores of another country and another time. Set on the cusp of the 1970s and 1980s, Janet Charman’s compelling poetry collection centers on the disorienting experiences of a young woman from the former British colony of New Zealand who has newly arrived in London—squalid flats, temp work, ancestral visits, and trips to the continent. With an eye for unsettling social cues, her outsider’s vision of the city is persistently challenged by encounters with an array of its remarkable inhabitants: distant relatives, welfare clients and their social workers, and fellow travelers. In gritty lyric and biting word play, this account of the overseas experience reveals a passage hedged with earnest expectation and ripe with the black comedy of disillusion.
- 作者: Charman, Janet
- 原文出版社:Paul & Co Pub Consortium
- 出版日期:2012/10/01
- 語言:英文
At the White Coast